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Sunday, 24 November 2013


The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary has aired and being a colossal fan of the show, new and old, I went hunting. Hunting for references to old and new and I found some great ones! As for my top 10 Doctors, that shall be finishing in two days time and I apologise for the wait. Without further adieu!

When in the Black Archive images of many of the classic companions and more are located on boards. These include but are not limited to: Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, Steven Taylor, Katarina, Sara Kingdom, Polly Wright, Ben Jackson, Jamie McCrimmon, The Brigadier, Liz Shaw, Sarah-Jane, Leela, Romana the 1st, Tegan, Adric, Nyssa, Kamelion, Peri, Ace, Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy and Rory to name a few. Also if you look even closer to one of the Brigadier pictures you can just see Isobel the Photographer from the Patrick Troughton episode "The Invasion".

When leaving the under-gallery Kate Stewart asks for her father's files and wonders if they are from the 70's or the 80's. This is a reference to the famous UNIT dating controversy. The episode "The Invasion" takes place in 1979, this is UNIT's first appearance. The later episode "Mawdryn Undead" states the Brigadier retired from UNIT in 1976. This implies the Brigadier retired from UNIT before UNIT existed. Hence the reference to the confusion.

In the Black Archive several items from the Doctor's past are located there. Those I have spotted are: A clockwork drone mask, Amy's sonic probe (The Girl who Waited), the chair the Tenth Doctor was tied to in "The End of Time", River Song's red shoes from "The Time of Angels", the aforementioned "Companion picture boards", the magna clamps the Doctor used to hang to the wall in "Doomsday", Captain Jack's Vortex Manipulator and most likely many more.

Clara riding the motorcycle into the TARDIS is reminiscent of the scene in the 1996 movie where a policeman accidentally rides into the TARDIS on a motorcycle.

_________________________________________________________________Speaking of policemen, the beginning scene where the constable is walking past 76 Totters Lane is a reference to the very beginning of Doctor Who in "An Unearthly Child" a constable does the same thing.

_________________________________________________________________When Clara is driving down the road just after leaving Coal Hill School (Which is where Ian and Barbara worked. I.Chesterton is Chairman of the Governors) she drives down the same road used in filming for the Seventh Doctor episode "Remembrance of the Daleks"

All Doctors are seen during the teleportation of Gallifrey including a shot of Peter Capaldi's determined eyes. 

Often Kate Stewart mentions a UNIT scientist named Malcolm. This could be the same Malcolm from "Planet of the Dead".

When the Tenth Doctor first sees the Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS interior he comments "You've redecorated! I don't like it!" The Eleventh Doctor replied with "You always say that!". This is a reference to the Three Doctors special where the Second Doctor says "You've done the place up a bit! I don't like it!"

That's all for now! While I know there are much more it will take repeated screenings to discern all of them. Happy Anniversary!


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