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What this Blog is all about

Friday, 15 November 2013


Gravity Falls! Finally Disney hasn't completely flopped in the end! Gravity Falls operates on the same basic principle as Twin Peaks, except without murder. The Pines twins arrive in Gravity Falls, Oregon for their summer holiday. They stay at the Mystery Shack, a tourist trap filled with fake creatures (See: Sascrotch) and owned by their Great Uncle Stan. Together they work with their friends Soos and Wendy to help take down creatures and oddities found in the forests around the town. 

While it may sound like childish and aimed at a younger audience this show goes much deeper. The occult, conspiracies, supernatural creatures and much more hides beneath the idyllic town. The twists and turns will leave you wondering who knows what and what knows about who. It is extraordinarily similar to Twin Peaks, when you have watched both shows you will know what I mean. It makes up part two of a trifecta of "Small Pacific Northwest towns with secrets that are not immediately apparent". Gravity Falls is a wonderful, deep show that is a fantastic juxtaposition of it's initially childish skin.  

I cannot explain how much I love this show in one post so I will be going deeper into not just Gravity Falls but all of the things outlined on this page. After I've gone into The Avengers, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings and EUReKA I will do episode reviews, character analysis', in-depth explanations and so much more.

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