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What this Blog is all about

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


I think my first memory of Martin Freeman is watching "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" movie and seeing him get slapped in the face by the idea-slapper-thingy. I never really took much notice in him until I saw the Hobbit and Sherlock. It was seeing him tromping down through Hobbiton, rushing off and going to catch up with the dwarves that really made me go "Hm, this guy is a pretty good Bilbo!". Then watching Sherlock where he is Sherlock's completely-straight-soon-to-be-married-not-in-love-with-Sherlock room mate John Watson. The thing that finally nailed him to the top of my favorite actors list was seeing the top half of his head get taken off in "The Worlds End". Why that made him my favorite I have no idea.

It's difficult to describe Martin Freeman in terms of acting style. One minute he can be laughing around and being happy, the next his face is downcast and serious. The variety of characters he plays is amazing. From bumbling old Bilbo to serious business man Oliver. From sure-of-himself, sidekick Doctor Watson to down-to-Earth, typical British middle-class man Arthur Dent. He's just an amazing actor. I find that the best actors are good at being happy and upbeat and then at a click of the fingers angry and serious. Matt Smith, Benedict Cumberbatch, Harrison Ford and many more are good with this. However Martin can be so happy and so sad! It's not just the quality of his performance, it's the reality he brings to it. Martin Freeman! ARGH! He's so awesome!

Martin Freeman is just brilliant. That's my opinion on Martin Freeman.





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