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What this Blog is all about

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


As I sit here watching Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia I wonder... What if the secret to life, the universe and everything is not 42 but in fact Small Bowl of Petunias. Perhaps Douglas Adams was tricking us and that Small Bowl of Petunias was, in fact, an omnipotent being of all powerful cream cheese. 

That has nothing to do with the list I just wanted to get that off my mind.

Number 5

Jon Petwee 

This Doctor is brilliant. It's like the Doctor we saw in episodes like "The Lodger" and "The Power of Three". He's trapped on Earth with a bunch of "Ham-fisted bungler's" and has to fill up his time. So what does he do? He helps those bunglers (Also known as the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce) with their own issues, usually involving the Master or other aliens that have joined with the Master or working with their own intent. The way the third Doctor deals with UNIT's working team and how he always assumes an air of authority over them is brilliant. His three seasons with Jo Grant will always stay as the best of his era with the Liz season kind of falling short and Sarah-Jane's season following up with varied results. This Doctor is always a treat to watch but only in a select number of episodes. "The Daemons" and "Terror of the Autons" being some of his best.

Number 4

Sylvester McCoy

"Oh wonderful! What power, what brilliance!" The setting and context of this line is what describes the seventh Doctor. Faced with the imminent destruction of Earth, the Doctor calls up Davros for a final showdown. The thing is though, the Doctor knows that Davros will end up destroying the Dalek ship. The Doctor doesn't let this on though, he keeps up his ruse of fear and desperation while still hinting that he has full control. He is having fun with Davros, toying with him. He mocks him and laughs and has a go at him while still pretending to be deadly afraid of him "Please Davros, I beg you... you're making a grave mistake!". The seventh Doctor controls everything behind the scenes, he is the only one that truly knows what's going on and that's what gives him his place at number four.

Patrick Troughton

Number 3 

I assure you, Patrick Troughton would be number one on this list if it were just him that made his era so wonderfully brilliant. The second Doctor and Jamie combo is what really makes him so amazing. But alone he is still wonderful but not number one material. Back to the positives that place him at number three. His timid demeanor, his wonderful sense of humor, his ability to be serious and happy, his friendly approach to everything, his friendship with his companions, how he deals with foes and finally... that hair.

Number 2

Matt Smith

What? Matt Smith only number two!? Once again this Doctor would be above this position but... his next opponent surpasses him in such a way that I most likely won't be able to describe and will boil down to pure opinion. I shouldn't need to explain Mr Smith. You've all seen him and you all either like him, love him or think he's the best thing to come to Doctor Who since Andrew Cartmel. If you get that reference then I salute you. Matt Smith is like Troughton and Jamie without the Troughton and Jamie while still retaining the playful cheek of Troughton and Jamie. Once again, if you understand this another salute will be headed your way in three... two... one

Number 1

Peter Davison

Can I even describe him? His charm, his costume, his response to the issues faced, his ability to move on while still harboring guilt and pain... Adric dies, the Doctor seems to move on by the end of the next story. But does he miss him? Yes! Does he show it? Only if you know where to look. The fifth Doctor is just so brilliant. I can't describe how he came to be number one. I just love his portrayal of the Time Lord. "The Caves of Androzani" stands above great stories like "The Curse of Fenric", "The Daemons", "Remembrance of the Daleks" and "Logopolis" and the fifth Doctor is what makes TCoA fly right up on everyone's favourite episode lists. The fifth Doctor is just... plain... brilliant.

There you have it! All of the Doctors lined up in a list of least favorite (Sorry Mr Hartnell) all the way up to the best of the best (You're welcome Pete)

Next up...


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