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Thursday, 21 November 2013


The Doctor, a timeless character (literally) with a dozen (Or more *looks in John Hurt's direction) faces and personalities. This list is solely my opinion and I ask that if you want to discuss the best Doctors with me just comment! It ain't difficult!

Now then, without further adieu...

Number 11

William Hartnell

Don't get me wrong, some of the First Doctor's episodes are amazing with the War Machines and the Celestial Toymaker being some of the best he has to offer. But other than that his era is dotted with... historical episodes... The Gunfighters, The Crusaders, The Reign of Terror and many more substandard episodes. This coupled with his personality just makes him... boring for the most part. I respect William Hartnell immensely (May he rest in eternal peace) and if not for him the show would have floundered. But his Doctor, while being the first, is just not the Doctor everyone loves.

Number 10

David Tennant

And the fangirls scream in pure rage. "The tenth Doctor? This low on the list? WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING?" Hear me out o' rage filled girl! I have many reasons for this! As with the first Doctor, the tenth just feels like *too much of a departure from his usual wacky and zany self*. Gone are the quirky question mark jumpers and colorful coats! The decorative vegetable and scarf and velvet frill coats have all but vanished from this incarnation. "But he's got cool things! Sneakers and 3D glasses!" I'm sorry fangirl but the Doctor needs something original to define his character. The fourth Doctor wore a long multi-colored scarf to show he was all over the place! The seventh Doctor wore a question mark jumper to show what an enigma he was while still retaining that quintessential British style. Tennant only wears them once and they never made much of an impact on me, 3D glasses have been used in many other settings for novelty before this. The Doctor needs something original. "But he fell in love! No other Doctor has done that!" My point exactly. This brings me back to the departure from the established Doctor character. "He's hot!" And that makes him a good Doctor how...? "He has a more intimate and close friendship with his companions!" The Doctor just doesn't do that! He has close friendships yes! I mean just look at Jamie and Sarah-Jane! But not intimate! "Well... He has great hair!"... Finally something we can agree on...

Number 9

Christopher Eccleston

(See * in the previous section)

Number 8

Colin Baker

O' Colin we knew you well... Brought into Doctor Who during the turmoil of the mid eighties this Doctor was going to be anything but quintessential. His coat, mannerisms, anger-bursts and many more reasons send him far down on this list. The only reason he stands above the previous 3 is his "friendship" with Peri. These two go to hell and back and by the time of "Trial of a Time Lord" these two are as thick as thieves. Their arguments in Vengeance on Varos and Mark of the Rani is what gives this pair their appeal in my opinion. No other companion has thought to actually verbally fight against the Doctor to the extent that Peri did. Not to mention this is the 6th Doctor she was yelling at. Peri has some serious courage.

Number 7

Tom Baker

The classic Doctor that everyone and their mothers know. From fedora topped curly haired head right down to the very tips of that 12 foot scarf this Doctor just oozes wackyness. His episode "The Pirate Planet" (Written by Douglas Adams that also wrote THHGTTG) ranks in my top 5. I own a scarf like his (Albeit not 12 feet long, that one cost $90.00) and along with that I got his Key to Time box-set. "Why is he so low on your list if you like him so much?" asks the reader. Well reader, when it comes to his episodes and character he is brilliant but only in a few. Of all the episodes I've seen of his the only ones where the Doctor stood out to me were Logopolis, The Pirate Planet, The City of Death and the Ark in Space. Otherwise he's just kind of... meh...

Number 6

Paul McGann

So much potential, so much class, so much character, so much originality and so much of it all thrown away! The Movie was good despite some parts of it completely ignoring the canon. Paul McGann completely owned the Doctor. His sudden outbursts of random happiness "These shoes! They fit perfectly!" and sudden quick plans "*Points gun at chest* now kindly hand over the bike or I will shoot myself *Smiles*" the 8th Doctor is one I just want to see more of. While Night of the Doctor is great I want more! A series, another movie, a lot of shorts! Anything!

I will conclude this list tomorrow with my top 5 Doctors! *Doffs Panama hat, turns with a sweep of coat and trips over on scarf*


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